You must be the change you wish to see in the world - M.K Gandhi

You must be the change you wish to see in the world - M.K Gandhi

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Slumdogs - Humanity Incognito....

I have always wanted one, right from my high school…I have cried, strived, starved, and worked hard to earn it…. And I finally own it….!!

It is almost a year now!! I can still remember the day, when my bike was delivered. She was shining bright in purple color an unmistakable beauty. Beauty is very subjective and impossible to generalize.

Yea, I call her as my ‘PURPLE PRINCESS’ my scooty pep+. I still vividly remember my first ride.

She has given me the most elegant and beautiful things I could feel.

Rewinding four days, I was getting back home, it was 9 pm… the roads were highly illuminated with Einstein’s contraption. The wind was chill, and I couldn’t raise my accelerator above 40 kmps, I was driving very slowly, noticing the unnoticed, which I have never cared for… the way through slum..

The houses were perfectly lined up like matchboxes and  lighted up with chimney lamps, dogs snarling and roaring out o hunger, infants shivering and fighting against the cold with no clothes on them, children gazing at the multi storey buildings which they want to own one day, voluminous songs resonating from the tea shops, ladies clogging near the water tank, oldies swapping the flies around them,  most of the men drunk and were fast asleep… living in such a place is awful . yet, they do… we debate and talk   endlessly about education, literacy, child labor, economic rate, market blues, pets, movies, love, deforestation , animal care and what not…… we fail to talk about HUMANITY! 

People in the slum, know no Human rights , the concept of human universal rights, or status as ethnicity and nationality , all they care is only about their existence under the sun.

Has the humanity really withered off? Or, we tend to ignore it??

Am nt** going in depth …I want to stop here, I want you to take a minute and ponder over the same.

What comes to your mind, when see children wiping your car glasses in a signal, when someone stretches out their arms before you and ask for help, when someone sells petty things like shells, marbles, coloring books…. ???? 

Yeah, most of us get IRRITATED!!! And reason is very obvious and transparent; we have always got what we desired without really working hard. Ever thanked God for such a beautiful life, he has just spilled cheeriness all over our life.

Caring parents, reliable friends, helpful neighbors, thoughtful teachers, faithful pets, informative net, entertaining movies, breath taking achievements…… a perfect blend!!!!!! N yet we complain.

All I would like to say is: 

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.







Bhaju said...

It was very well portrayed n i like few which u penned down "the roads were highly illuminated with Einstein’s contraption." u were apt in wat u said.
"People in the slum, know no Human rights, the concept of human universal rights, or status as ethnicity and nationality, all they care is only about their existence under the sun." perfect!!
I really hate ppl who r complaining u hv given a good view on tat!! (Applause =D>)
Like all u hv given ur opinion, and wat action u plan to take on tat??

SaiKrishnan said...

Hmmmm started with something really unrelated but description were good for both...
but i doubt whether u said exactly what u want ?

Prasad R said...

The way u started and where u took off the topic were really contrasting yet laid down perfectly as always wid beautiful description.u started wid admiring ur scooty pep and then touched the intricacies of life in a slum. A commendable effort on ur part to apprecaite ur love for ur scooty and then highlighting the tuf life in a slum and touching aspects realted to "HUMANITY".
Really Sandy it feels very bad to me seeing small childrens,womens carrying infants,old aged peoples and oders begging n living a miserable life. Wenever i see a small boy asking for food or for money i thing wt i would had done had my lil brother asked me for money ?? i always end up offering wtever lil help i can. Bt thats not enuf and thats not wt will change the way they are gonna live. I feel completely helpless to see such things and really gives it a thought everytime i come across such things bt the question is as ur friend asked wt action we are gonna take for dis ?? Jus the thoughts is never gonna serve the purpose it's all about taking actions. Glad that u atleast gave a thought and we all should make sure that we should offer help in the best possible way we can.
The concluding lines in ur blog is jus awesome
"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching."
Surely we shall make our lives worth living coz it is surely gonna flashback to us wid time.We shall make sure that the memories of our life are worth remembering.We as humans should make sure that we should serve "HUMANITY" wich is the COMMON RELIGION, CASTE,GOD,CULTURE etc etc that brings all HUMAN together.



Sandhiya said...

@prasad and balaji

we should help em... v can spare 3rs out of 10 rs...nothng rong ...
i try 2 help ppl who r in below poverty line..!!!


well, i did mention, am nt talkin nethng bout it, u gotta ponder n realise

Arunan said...

really many of us really notice them and feel..shouldn't just stop with feeling...lend out a hand and love will be lent to you..everyone has to think about this..
good one:-)

Prasad R said...

@ Sandy even i also end up offering money almost everytime i come across such people even then i feel competely helpless i wonder whether my small offering is gonna serve their purpose.These are questions unanswered we jus have to continue offering wtever we can in the best possible way we can.

Sandhiya said...

it'll give u satisfaction wid whch u can spend rest of ur life

sruthi said...

wow fantastic my "revolutionary" queen......yep u r right !tes petty things get unnoticed in our day to day life .we always tend to circle in our own selfish life and forget the opportunity of being an helping hand!way to go..let tis bring a thought to tos who read tis.

Sandhiya said...

i wish soooo :-)

Manjubashini Krishnamurthi said...

awesum post :) we really gotta do sumthng fer dem :)lets join hands n do machi :)

Prasad R said...

@ Sandhiya yes thats true it definitely gives us a sense of satisfaction hope it satisfies the needy ones too coz thats the objective. Our satisfaction is jus a by-product wen we does such things i.e it comes automatically though the intention is to satisfy the ones needing it.

deepika said...

A blend of thoughts ...a topsy turvy but enjoyable ride :)

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching"

love this part...


Ramani... said...

Good one!!!... but i initially thought its about your scooty pep... anyway very nicely written...

Sandhiya said...


hehe i wanted 2 write ma pep+, bt den somehw d tpk drifted 2 dis :D

Unknown said...


The Last Line was touching ......

Sandhiya said...



Divya said...

the roads were highly illuminated with Einstein’s contraption.>>> Nice line!!

i lvd hw ur mind works...u strtd abt scooty nd went on to msthng totally diffrnt!! Wondrful! :D

Bt, do u thnk v shud b the only ones helping them...? Shudn't they b helping themselves??

manas said...

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.
Good line :-)