‘Present your answers neatly’
‘Use color pens ’,
‘Write legibly’,’
‘Underline the important points’,
‘And most of all you got to get lucky’.
Examination! The very word makes me cringe. The sheer word ‘examination’ could evoke a myriad of stances from many of us! Examination is a tool used to gauge learning; this is what the general idea is! I hate exams as much as I love education. Who the heck invented such a system to weigh the worth of knowledge???
It certainly keeps students on their toes with eyes and ears unbolted, but it’s the preparation for the exams that suck big time... I completely feel that our educational system is not exceptional in this aspect. It’s such a necessary evil.
I have felt this way about exams. Every time I open my text book, from no where Miss. Sleep bumps into my mind and takes over me completely. Does it happen only with me?? I believe that the present system of examination is a huge fraud played upon us; there is not an ounce of innovation! The technical bias is completely altered! Exams come like an electric shock to students. Am in the third year now, and I have given umpteen number of exams, but the night before the examination has always remained the same, unaltered! I have always had this lurking fear that I would not do well. I can never mange to get a wink of sleep!
Theories and formulas have revolutionized my entire life on earth!
Ah, I wish I could clone myself, someone who can sit and slog over the books and appear for the examination instead of me (with so much advancement in science, it’s seriously 2000% possible). There’s one question that still manages to be a mystery on my mind… am I into technical education or liberal education?? There’s this complete imbalance that prevails in our system. Ideas rule the world and College isn’t the place to go for ideas. But examinations here encourage cramming. I hate to memorize answers! It leads to stunting of the thinking power!
‘Present your answers neatly (what am I going to do?)’, ‘use color pens (obviously, because I have wile away the time) ’, ‘write legibly (and not sensibly?)’,’ underline the important points (probably the examiner is one dumb ***)’ you got to get lucky (this is worst part, what has his bloody mood to do with my paper??) and blah and blah …. Is it justice?? It’s a bloody mockery, tamasha!!
It is all like a lottery, a lucky one May draw a prize an unlucky one may draw blank.
And, there are remarkable side effects – pale cheeks, sunken eyes, grey hairs (symptoms of plague?? o whatever) and it is contagious and viral! How deplorable and appalling!!
I wish I could change this entire system!
’ Be the change you want to see in the world’, may be one day if I become an education minister, I would banish it from the face of the earth.
Btw, Happy studying!!
ha ha ha..well wat do u know...we discuss it whenever we get a chance ..don we..and to kick it ol school..lol..and i thought college exams would be better..
it turned out 2 b worse!!!
Well,the point is i cannot agree with u better. Me and a friend of mine had this revolutionary thought that y don't we have less no. of papers and go deep into them and spend not more than 5 hours at coll every day and have more time to think,rather than slogging over large no.of crap non-departmental ones and wasting time.
And about the examination, i have never ever used color pens or those kinda of gimmicks,it sucks,technical education is not about decorations.
Elements which foster radical thinking,innovation and creativity are doomed ,three hours is not the way to judge what has been imbibed in three months.
Every time I open my text book, from no where Miss. Sleep bumps into my mind and takes over me completely... apt!!!!!!
but i think it's not only the sleep...but also the beep frm ur cell phone which interrupts u ;)..lol
Happy studying ;)
Absolutely. I can't help but grin at your post since now am assured of a co-thinker. I'm happy to receive your very appreciable thoughts on this. I really think people like us are needed to save the gen next from Such banality.
inquilab zindabad
Kd u!!
Karthick got a nice line- 'Three hours is not the way to judge what has been imbibed in three months'.!
Cringe, complain or criticize Exams and our system. As u said 'its here to stay'.. Skepticism it is bt am sure i wil not see a 'radical change' in my lifetym..
"Miss. Sleep bumps into my mind and takes over me completely". Isnt it sposd 2 be 'Mr.'Sleep wid u? :D
so wat's ur pt?? i'm tellin dat d current system isn't doin any gud fer us n given a chance i wud chng it. n u're contributin 2 d welfare of de same system which u thnk wud neva chng.
fer Ms.sleep , am romantically challenged (jus lyk sum1 said :P)
My 'point' is tat there is no 'point' talking abt it! :)
Change is welcome bt am skeptical and i prefer to stay tat way. :)
I read 'inquilab zindabad' in ur comment abv and il talk in the context of 'RDB'..
For me the whining siddarth in the 1st half made more sense than the reformed one in climax.! :D
'You try to change the system and the system changes you'.!
Optimism, 'be the change' kinda stuff sounds cool par kuch cheezen badalna mushkil hai...
Note: Am jus sayin 'mushkil', 'naamumkin' nahi.. :)
Il be the happiest guy if ANY change happens but i choose to be cynical!
p.s: I hope an pray mr.sleep bothers u! :D :p
Am glad tht u used d word mushkil. As u said ‘koi bji kam nanumkin nahi hai’ , if u prefer to be cynical den…!!
If you want to actually understand something, try to transform it .Unless you are prepared to give up something valuable you will never be able to truly change at all,n jus cos thngs r the way dey r, thngs ‘ll nt stay d way dey are!
I thnk we must rise -- with the occasion. We must think anew, and act anew.
N yea, if u have come across the phrase 'inquilab zindabad' only in rdb den u probably gotta revise ur history. It is because of revolution that we're walking and riding and driving on the streets of India today. Rdb was just a portrayal of everything. The real ones made actual sense. And talkin bout RDB,
The whole movie revolves around the simple fact of self realization. n nt 2 frgt, I reckon ‘the whining siddarth in the 1st half made more sense than the reformed one in climax’ 2 u cos, he’s reflecting ur thngts and I call it ‘ The pseudo U’!
N yea, I wouldn’t really mind, if Mr. Sleep bumps in2 ma mind!!:D:D
a student s voice...but somethings do make sense...
Change is all v need... - obama :P
Ok point taken...'BE the change'.. 'Yes we can'.!! :)
If u have come across the phrase 'inquilab zindabad' only in rdb den u probably gotta revise ur historyAaaah! :-(
I used Rdb as a reference coz i was watchin my dvd last week!
History is,was and wil be my fav subject.. Infact i was de school topper in history in my tenth board xamz! :D :( :(
Am more into history than u can imagine..! :)
n am also in2 'History' !!those who learn from history are destined to repeat it. it helps 2 draw conclusions!!
n yea, RDB has nthng 2 do wid dis!! :P
(P.s->topper??? [impressive]Mr.Studious!!)
Am sure you might hav heard this line: History never repeats itself!
(Dis holds true for tat 'topper' thingy too :D :|)
What experience and history teach is this -- that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles.
and fer the 'topper' thng, a lil bird told me dat ur name is on the college topper's list(padai mein)
^ :|
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